homepage back-up 3/09march 2009 ..SO CHANGE TO 'SWITCH' STATE-INDUSTRIAL FALLOUT SEC-Fed Crime
IMF*ed The US is a global problem, Sir. "State of the Nation" www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcuXV99asO8
Fed, FBI & SEC VICTIMS FRB unravelling The Federal Reserve Caused The 700 billion dollar bailout.... Taking on the world's toughest energy terrorism THE LEADING PAST OF THE PRESENT CRISIS ANALYZED Stephan GM Tychon, last man on the stand inside the Enron trial HEIR GLOBAL ENERGY AGENDA EXXON, SHELL & GOV.NL ON P I P E L I N E LOCK-INSExecs Pay Enhancement Conduit www.xxell.com/video/complexxon.swf
FBI tasks forged to xxell UNclear World Banksingflation CHEAP OIL & Errbanke's SEC-Fed crime brokerage TERRORISM www.news.google.com/news?hl=en&q= GET HIM OBAMAwww.endoil.org OIL & GASGATE / WORSE THAN WATERGATE HALLIBURTON 's master of stealth and global P3 arrogance, crime & treason, ex-VP Dick Cheney, held friendly nations like the Netherlands cheap: "The problem is that the good Lord didn't see fit to put oil and gas reserves where there are democratic elected regimes friendly to the interests of the United States", he said, knowing the planet's 2nd largest natural gas reserves at that time were discovered in the Netherlands in 1959. Global parliamentary deficit due to U.S.-imposed longterm oil and gas lock-in contracts provoking incorporated governance and constituency of special interests with legal executive privileges, forged the intramural rationale -a Trojan Horse- for western democratic wrongdoing and intellectual poverty. A globalization trend was effectively captured by abusive institutionalized strategic conduct while seizing life and privatizing democracy. Oil and greed, Iraq and Enron... it's all America and Exxon. We reject the 1963 European 'coal and steel' submission Gasgate and accuse the team of rivals, termed Gasunie, Exxon, Shell & Dutch/U.S. government-duopoly of global insider-trading, industrial abusive dominance & unfair technology advantage distorting the world's markets, truth and confidence. Lies in committee won't prosper. Explore this firsthand tell-tale disclosure to understand how cheap-oil energy extremism substantially shaped your life by cherry-picking information and stove-piping communication: the purest ICTerror. Cheney is a private actor, and was no public servant. Jurisdictions fail because corporate abuse prevails: US drag prevents responsible development & sustainable progress. Houston, you are the problem! Atlantic oil & gas... unbundling: New Atlantic Order finishing Exxon's cheap-oilstandard grab that went wrong as we now all can see:: http://nytimes.com/packages/khtml/2006/03/05/business/20060306_ENRON_AUDIOSS.html ASK US WHAT WE DID FOR YOUR COUNTRY! OVERSIGHT WITHOUT ANY OVERVIEW the dire consequences of past authority CREDO CRUNCH THE SOLUTION IS THE PROBLEM: More error in place
www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0TCdX2tQqQ National toxic aid and relief programs are just more global crime and error in place as long as the cheap oil doctrine of the world's biggest public-private partnership N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie, between Exxon, Shell and the Dutch government is not explained and renegotiated. Petrodollar warfare is directly linked to the euro and Russian natural gas prices. Exxon Crime = Global Crisis AN INVESTORS' & REGULATORS' DISASTER Big question crunch of the P3 pipeline games GRIDLOCK-IN 1963: SAUDIMOCRACY... EUTREATY=USCONTRACT
The global problem cannot be solved by those who are part of it. Explore the EU solution for the US problem: US.OIL-GAS.EU Restructuring energy strategy & security and exchange fundamentals: Vote for the Global Energy Transition II Click image to watch video EU Grand Strategy v. US-Crime: Global Crime and National Disorder. The privately imposed abuse of public power: www.geocities.com/jporta_99/aroy.html FACE THE FACTS........OF ATLANTIC DISORDER Kremlin's Gazprom versus Exxon's White House "Dick Cheney Really is That Bad", by Scott Ritter: www.coastalpost.com/07/09/08.html Cheney: the point of origin of true evil! Raymond, www.xxell.com/video/complexxon.swf & Bush should be jailed first. www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Enron+ +Raymond IRAQ = GASUNIE Werdegang Europaische Wende: Global Crime&Fraud P3: economic & social harm www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Global+Crime+Carbon+Conduct www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Exxon+Iraq+Kyoto IRAQ=EXXON+Bechtel+Bush&Blair+ Cheney's Halliburton + Balkenende*nl http://www.halliburtonwatch.org/about_hal/houston.2005.pdf GASUNIE=EXXON+Bechtel+Shell+NL Number One oilpollution Criminal Globalization of greed, harm & abuse EUROPE: NATURE&NOTION EU FORCING BUSH and ExxonMobil TO STEP BACK CARBON.OFFSET.INDUSTRY.KYOTO. www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Carbon+offset+Nick+Davies+Kyoto G8 Bush's Warspeak:"Russia is not a threat". It's a treat: the perfect red herring for U.S. Iraq terror. But besides: "the U.S. won't ever attack Europe"! Doesn't this man's administration urgently need help? Life after Bush: www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Bush+law+lies A Transatlantic Discourse-Divide?G8 =Global disaster: world-wide diplomatic suicide & sustained high treason: Condoleezza Rice: 'The EU is an indivisible part of the U.S... so threatening Europe makes no sense Vladimir'. US convention is blocking change & reform for the new European groundwork! Who needs more help, the U.S. or EU? United we stand alone! Global Warning Change & Drift... WHY TRAITOR BUSH LACKS PUTIN'S BRAVADO: 'you don't like my Bold War? well... the Cold One is over'! The WSC's greenfare against the Bold War of Error & cheap-oil based State-corporate crime -P3-doctrine of 'incorporated governance' -by means of the superior wisdom of existing and sufficient science: fighting the embedded parliamentary deficit of western democracies towards the imminent global tecknowlogy-based energy transition: Exxon TaskForce. E N D A N G E R E D EUROPEAN PEACE, WISDOM AND DESIRE www.climatelaw.org www.OneWorld.net WE WANT OUR NATURAL GAS BACK NOW! The factual root cause for 'Brussels' as part of the American Contract with Europe, are the imposed longterm energy-contracts with the U.S. - like the Pipeline Lock-ins with GASUNIE - . The only solution and way out of global despair are transatlantic confrontation politics as Bush will only listen to a bigger mouth. There is no reason to fear that Bush will attack Europe while playing dirt with Putin. Europe can only prosper a common sovereign attitude based on inclusive equality, recognition and redistribution when confronting the parliamentary deficit caused by U.S. ties and lies. .Economy and Market stagnation and social-economic discrepancy due to growing discontinuity in the EU two-stage lawmaking process of directives endangeres the internationalisation of law and public meaningful access to the European democratic Process of Constitution freeing Europe from the American Constriction. .Exxell's global energy ' 66-agenda based securities and exchange-proposal- global management transition-plan* by-steps and appeases Putin's bravado and Bush's failing aggressive rhetoric for profit only, securing the NATA opening and understanding of global resposability for sustainable development and world stability & security while liberating seized social life and preventing further economic suicide: we promote the slow-profit theory to be practiced with resolve and urgency world-wide to counter the Worldbank's program of sustained error and misleading, failing overview.... Let's make Charity History and send state-parasites elsewhere!
EuropeanUnity.EU legacy world energy agenda
WHERE EAST MEETS BEST! the understanding of responsible development
-serving truth, that truth and youth may serve- European crisis & American scandal from a US-forced Europe.... to a forged Union of responsible development! 100 % independent investigative, explanatory journalism and energy-analysis by .Exxell THOU KINGDOM GONE: HOW YOUR PICTURE GOT LOST GLOBAL PUBLIC-PRIVATE COMPLEX OF FAILING SOCIAL-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Casus Europae: Dutch influence on US abusive power Open EU versus US forces? forget it! Polderitis reigns. The silent battle for global control: supranational policies and diplomatic fallout under US umbrella and UN/Nato-cover: Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, secretary-general of the UN and Bush's new friend after Blair lost out is the next Dutch US-victim and marionette of the Bush doctrine's lack of freedom from fear (should Wim Kok of Shell be mentioned here again?): the globe's root cause of social-economic instability and inclusive security-threat. Man should be friends again and not follow leaders marching firmly in the wrong direction just sustaining the planetary governance crisis. Ruud Lubbers, ex Dutch prime-minister and ex UN High Commissioner and High Commisioner for Refugees with the www.EarthCharter.org now, answered during a European conference in Maastricht recently: 'I am not an activist' , on questions about globalisation rooted in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Only responsible conduct can secure sustainable development*, Mr. Lubbers! Worldbank's ethics-oversight commissioner Herman Wijffels fails to transparently disclose and explain the root cause of the Bush administration-related conduct-scandal by war-criminal Wolfowitz who was duely forced to leave the Worldbank office being 'not guilty', but at the same time he trickles information in the Dutch media claiming personal insight, oversight and overview... in hindsight! This man lacks the fundamental responsibility to account for global sustainable and just governance development, just like Ad Melkert (ex-director of the ethics commission) and Wolfowitz himself. Shame on the Kingdom of the Netherlands! This is an outright global disgrace for of the Dutch open democracy model - taunted poldermodel - and proves that public access and participative governance accountabilty in fact unscrupulously undermines the perceived and widely trusted concensus system, tagged 'democratic deficit', in reality a consistent parliamentary deficit where people's mandate is arrogantly cashed-in as soon as possible by global abusive conduct: communication chimera and information terror. Bush & Blair: B2B admiration- cultus Codes, Conduct & Ethics of Global Cartels: cancer of corruption. .Exxell explains the roadmap for local social-economic development sustaining global securities, mutual understanding and investment climate-change linked to rebalanced innovation: sharin'dex*-based stakeholders' critizenship. *compare with .Evelopment menue on the right. Civil Sickness of indifference trailing Global P3-conduct: Explaining how the notion of 'sustainable development' and 'civil society' is seized by public/privately- sustained strategic institutional behaviour of ex-public servants filtering back into global private special interests entities, parastatal authorities and one-track institutions... endangering - while deliberately obscuring - overview, coherence of information and understanding, not only the prior wisdom of constitutional securities, the role of state, the rule of law and legal competence, but broadly and in general the greater good of all peoples and inherently the widely expected concept of a 'better life' and it's very purpose ! US EU-Narkozy versus seized sustainability on guts & glory: why & how Europe can and will free the american nation from institutionalized supreme crime and reinstate proper conduct. There is no way around it. We claim prior wisdom of factual global energy authority 50 YRS OF CHEAP-OIL TERROR TERMED ADDICTION : EU softpower fails to rebalance the globe by teaching US hardballs a lesson: Barroso, EC President: "The conflicts of the twenthiest century made us small, European Unity can give our greatness back". You bet we will, sir. Ruud Lubbers, ex-UN High Commissioner: "I'm not an activist". Statement during the International conference on European topics - Europe, the Big Absentee? - of 9-11 May 2007, Maastricht University in the Netherlands questioning sustainable development, transatlantic relations, politics of Europe and role as a global player. Does Mr. Lubbers undermine his own position in the Earth Charter, result of 'a global consulting process and expression of hope to create global partnership' by excluding talks about world-wide abusive industrial dominance and unethical conduct? JUDICIAL NEGLIGENCE OF MODERN SUPREME CRIME: diplomatic crime & abusive for-profit energy geopolitics l'Etat d'Etats united state of the Union ON THE STATE OF MIND OF NATIONS AND THE UNITED STATE OF THE UNION realigning american dots.... of historic pipeline-technology abuse. on Justice, Freedom and Security controlled by plain-vanilla crooks Europe's new face and value: United Markets of Europe redressing the United states of America. On the fusion of powers and why Europe dreams while America takes action to consolidate the seizure of life: emerging markets of 'green greed', the perversion of ethics by Exxon and Wal-Mart. That's why our american friends need help! Globalization: private products seizing public service a process of degeneration and total disgrace of mankind endangering human security under market pressure and the concept of law and ruling - a rigged frame and outlook for undetected abuse and fusion of forces: the post-war power-grab, eurodollar / Icitizens. A 'just order' can only be guarded by rule of conduct and principle where direct participative control replaces the distribution and delegation of powers: open access to checks and balances to secure impartiality of the public service. The national judiciary no longer constituates an transparent check on the abuse of the executive and legislative powers or prescriptive action. The emphasis should weigh on the duty and responsibility of the engaged individual, without which no civilization can endure. < |
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